There are many birds that can talk human language. But they can not talk if they are wild and live in the woods and forest. Man catches these birds and keep them as pet . They listen to human talk and learn to say many word. The most famous talking bird is White cockatoo, It has a loud voice and can sometime talk almost in human voice. If we say a word to a Cockatoo again and again, It learn to say the word. Another common talking bird is the Green Parrot. The Indian Parrot is green in color with bright red beak. It love to eat red chillies and chickpeas. The parrot can imitate human speech very well. The Mynah is another popular talking bird. It can talk as well as sing.
We all love to listen to bird song Especially in the early morning we hear different bird singing sweetly from tree. The most famous singing bird in the world is the Nightingale . It is small and ordinary looking bird with Grey or reddish brown feather but its song very sweet and melodious. Nightingale sing both during the day and at night, another famous song bird is the Cuckoo. It also is ordinary looking with Grayish black feather. The Cuckoo sing during the spring season only. The Wren, Skylark, Linnet, Thrush, Goldfinch, and Orville are some other song bird that have clear and sweet voices. The Thrush can imitate the Call and Song of other bird . The Goldfinch and Orville are beautiful to look at and also song melody
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